First Photos.
First breath, first cry, first glimpse, first touch, first kiss, first snuggle, first grasp, first gaze into your eyes, first weight, first sneeze, first time as a new family of two, three, four, five, six, seven plus, first time introducing family and friends to your sweet baby.
These firsts should be experienced and treasured.
I love taking first photos in Baby's first hour of life so you and your family can just Be.
Be in the moment. Be present. Be aware. Be in awe. Just Be together.
Soak in the freshness without worring about taking photos and capturing these fleeting moments.
You will receive a link (1-200+ black and white photos depending on birth circumstances) for you to copy freely and a timeline of your birth experience printed on sweet baby paper. My wish is for you to soft focus your birth so those sweet, soft, memorable moments come forward and the others fade back to the background of your story. The story that you and your little one created and earned. I hope you love them as much as I do!
Here are some of my favorite photos I've taken.
ALL Photos are copyright of Birthing Beyond, LLC.
Photo release signed.
Copying is strictly prohibited.