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In today's technological world it is easy to forget how to nurture a laboring woman.  We know birth gives the deepest, most intense physical sensations and the widest range of emotions experienced in a day!  We also know that a woman will remember her birth vividly, poignantly and accurately and the care a woman receives has more impact than the physical events of labor.  This places her support person in a difficult and stressful role as someone who is responsible for understanding these sensations and emotions, knowing the intricacies of birth, comfort measures, which labor and pushing positions to use; all while communicating with healthcare providers and being a memory keeper -- a tough job for anyone not fully trained! This is where hiring a certified doula is invaluable!

A Doula...

Certified Birth Doula Service

The Cochran Review found 23 trials involving 15,061 women that demonstrated those who had continuous labor support were more likely to give birth spontaneously without forceps, vaccum or cesarean, to have a satisfying experience and to have a slightly shorter labor.  They were less likely have pain medicine or have a baby with a low 5 minue APGAR.  No adverse effects were identified.  They concluded that all women should have continuous support during labor.  Continuous support from a person who is present solely to provide support, is not a member of the woman's social circle, is experienced in providing labor support and has at least a modest amount of training, appears to be most beneficial. 


And now during this Corona pandemic supporting laboring persons and their families is even more crucial.  Hospital policies are changing daily.  Currently only the partner may accompany the birthing person in labor and must stay the entire time or abide by visiting hours.  We know many US hospitals that are overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients and have restricted all visitors including a laboring persons support person.  Clearly these policies are not done in haste and the gravity of the situation is clear to everyone.  As your doulas we are in communication with our area hospitals and providers so we can best to support you and your family.  And while virtual support is not the same as in person support we know the benefits far out weigh the risks of leaving a person alone and unsupported during this incredible time of their life.  We want you to know we are here for you and have put strategies in place to help you and your partner navigate the best and safest way to birth your sweet baby into the world.  We will help you sort through choices and decisions you never thought you would been making.  We believe in you.  We know your strength.  We know your resilience.  We know you can do hard things.  And we will be there to help you every step of the way, however we can.  Stay Safe.  Shelter In.  Flatten the curve.  Enjoy those little (and not so little) bumps and kicks!  Your baby will have one heck of a birth story to tell one day!  


Vanessa Flood

Hi There!

We are two friends each with 3 kids, 1 dog and a love for doula-ing!  I trained Alli as a birth doula 4 years ago and we became fast friends.  As a photographer she shot my brother's wedding, both my daughter's senior photos and their homecoming!  She loves all things birth but with a professional photography business she cannot take on a full private practice.  So we backed each other up.  And it worked well.  Then my mom got sick and Allison came to my rescue.  She supported my clients while I supported my mom.  And all my repeat clients sang the same praise--- "Alli is wonderful!  You guys are so similar.  She said all the same things you do!  We were in great hands."  At that point we knew we had something special.  I am still primary doula for all my clients, as she is for hers.  But we back each other up, provide support for each other's clients.  I teach and provide lactation support for her clients and she provides photography for my clients with outstanding doula support.  It has allowed us to be more present with our families.  We know if something unexpected happens our clients will be well supported.  Working together at the end of a labor where I am supporting and she is documenting all the fresh moments or doubling up our postpartum visits with doula support, lactation help and fresh newborn/family photos feels all the feels.  We love this work.  And are so happy to be a part of your BIRTHday!

Allison Flemming

Birth Doula Services

*I am currently only taking repeat clients and taking a limited number of new clients in 2024/2025. I have accepted a teaching contract with the Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition to train all Kansas WIC agencies the new USDA Breastfeeding Curriculum.  I can still provide childbirth classes and breastfeeding support to get you off to a great start! 

Newborn/Family Photos by Allison Flemming/PhotographyAF  $450
{all website photos by PhotographyAF}

  • Can my partner, mom, best friend attend class with me?"
    You are welcome to share materials with your support family so everyone is on the same page for labor, newborn care and breastfeeding. Especially great for grandparents! And when we resume in person classes--Anyone who will be supporting you through labor is welcome to attend!
  • Private class vs Hospital class
    ***Currently during the Covid-19 pandemic all local KC metro hospitals have suspended in hospital classes. As a previous Advent health instructor my classes are hospital approved, evidence based and consumer orientated.*** In person, private classes will resume when it is safe to do so. My prioriity is the safety of your family and mine. When a vaccine is available for the sars-covi-2 virus I will be vaccinated to help protect my community with herd immunity. My private class allows you to be in the comfort of our own home. Information is tailored to you and your needs. We can usually cover all material that would be covered in the hospital class iin a shorter time. Sometimes it is easier to ask more personal questions in a one on one setting especially if you have any special circumstances surrounding this pregnancy--- loss of partner, known abnormality, high risk, etc. I have educated and supported many clients through through difficult circumstances. You may also want to maintain a level of personal privacy if you are a public figure. All clients are kept confidential. Others like the group class option so they can hear others questions. comments and meet new people. Classes usually span 4-5 weeks or have a 1 day option. Some enjoy taking the time of weekly classes to focus on there pregnancy with their partner. The hospital class usually has a hospital tour. You will learn about their standard procedures and basic labor coping skills, along with medication use. If taking a private class you can schedule a private tour, go on a monthly tour or tour at your preadmit appointment. My classes are the same as when I taught in a hospital setting and wrote their curriculum. Knowing you have an consumer based class leaves you empowered to make the best choices for you and your family.
  • When should I take a class?
    Ideally I would finish up at least a month before you are do. If anything unexpected comes up in your last few week you can call me. We can discuss what is happening, I will walk you through the different scenerios and give you more questions for your provider. And, of course, I always like to hear all about your baby day! If pregnant with multiples I recommend you take a class early in your pregnancy. Discussing nutrition (ways to meet caloric needs when you always feel full). how to recognize early labor symptoms, making sure you and your provider are on the same page for birth, checking the NICU levels of your hospital, etc. And you are more comfortable!
  • When can we schedule class?
    Our current private, virtural hybrid class allows you to review material through our interactive book and app. You can then schedule a phone or video call at your convenience to review material and tailor it to your family. I am available days, evenings and weekends. (Lot's of time while we shelter in!)
  • I am planning on an epidural. Do I need a class?
    It can be very helpful. Understanding hospital admission procedures, triage, pre-requirements for the epidural, how to minimize unwanted effects, maximum beneficial effects will all be covered in class. Having basic comfort measure techniques can help make the early part of your labor much more manageable and less anxious. Epidurals can be great tools for helping your baby decend and speeding up your labor when timed correctly. And regardless of intent I cover all aspects of labor and the hospital so you feel prepared to navigate your birth!
  • I am planning on a low intervention birth. Can you help?
    Yes! We will lay down a game plan for birth, demonstrate positions and comfort measures, give your partners lots of ideas on how to help you focus; work on reframing your thoughts and giving you full support! And regardless of focus, I do believe in covering all aspects of birth and the hospitals so you feel prepared to navigate your birth! Especially as support people are limited to 1 in all current KC metro hospitals.

Vanessa Flood


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Birthing Beyond, LLC serves families in the Kansas City Metro; Johnson County, Kansas

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