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Did You Know?
The cells in your uterus will increase between 17 and 40 times their nonpregnant size due to extra estrogen and stretching
Your baby's heart will begin beating before your period is one week late
Your baby has grown 10,000 times larger than the fertilized egg in just 4 weeks
From week 1 to week 15, the amniotic fluid volume increases at a rate of 25ml (1Tbls + 1tsp) per week
At week 10 your baby's fingernails are growing
About 50% of mothers will experience morning sickness
At week 10 baby teeth have formed in the gums (all 20)
Every baby shows an distinct individuality in behaviour by the end of the third month. The facial expressions of the baby are already similar to the facial expressions of the parent
After birth your baby's hair will grow approximately 1/2 inch per month
Whether your baby will have an innie or an outie belly button depends on the strength of the baby's abdominal tissues
The average newborn will display more than 70 different reflex behaviours
An average of 10, 501 babies are born each day in the US
Taste buds are formed in abundance on your baby's tongue and inside it's cheeks. In humans, taste buds begin to diminish in number after birth and never increases again
Your amniotic fluid is replaced every three hours. This means the total daily exchange is equivalent to six gallons
Baby girls are born with all the eggs she will ever have in her ovaries
From week 15 to 28 your amniotic fluid volume increases at a rate of 50 ml (4 cups minus 2 tsps) per week
By the time your baby is born, 2-6 cups of amniotic fluid fill the amniotic sac (500-1,500ml)
Between weeks 16 and 40, 15-20% more oxygen is captured by your lungs from each volume of air you breathe
The placenta will weigh 1/6 of what your baby weighs. (1 1/2 pounds)
Mother's increased blood volumes adds 2-4 pounds of weight (4-5 1/2 Liters)
A baby is born in the world every 3 seconds.
Babies born in May usually weigh on average 200 grams more than babies in other months
If a person who was born 8lbs and 20 inches at birth continuded growing as the same rate as he does the first year, by the time he reached 20, he'd be 25 ft tall and weigh nearly 315lbs
Approximately 80% of infants are born with some form of birthmark
Your uterus will weigh 2 1/2 pounds at term
The average length of a newborns umbilical cord is 2 feet but can vary from 5 inches to more than 4 feet long. The cord is capable of carrying about 300 quarts of fluid per day
Your baby will have no functioning tear ducts for a couple of weeks. The first cries are always tearless
At birth babies have no kneecaps. Kneecaps do not develop completely until after 6 months
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